Step 1: Log in to the AWS Management Console
To create an AWS VPC, you first need to log in to the AWS Management Console using your AWS account credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to the VPC Dashboard
Once you are logged in to the console, navigate to the VPC dashboard by clicking on the "Services" dropdown menu and selecting "VPC" under the "Networking & Content Delivery" section.
Step 3: Click on the "Create VPC" button
On the VPC dashboard, click on the "Create VPC" button to start the VPC creation process.
Step 4: Configure VPC settings
In the "Create VPC" wizard, you will be prompted to configure your VPC settings, including the VPC name, IPv4 CIDR block, and IPv6 CIDR block (if desired).
Step 5: Configure subnet settings
Next, you will need to configure your subnet settings by specifying the subnet name, VPC ID, and CIDR block. You can also choose the availability zone for each subnet.
Step 6: Configure route table settings
In the next step, you will need to configure your route table settings by specifying the route table name, VPC ID, and associating the route table with a subnet.
Step 7: Configure security group settings
Finally, you will need to configure your security group settings by specifying the security group name and description, along with the inbound and outbound rules.
Step 8: Review and launch your VPC
Once you have completed all the necessary configurations, review your settings and click on the "Create VPC" button to launch your VPC.